Ear wax removal

Ear wax is normal but too much can cause a range of issues including pain and hearing loss. Read more about what Malouf Medical’s latest technology can do for you.

Treatment is conducted by ENT trained GPs who ensure:

  • that they have a clear understanding of the your relevant medical history
  • that they determine whether both ears require treatment, or just one ear
  • the condition of your ear canals are suitable for treatment
  • that your ear is free from foreign objects
  • that they inspect the condition of the tympanic membrane
  • that you are not handed over to an unqualified person to perform wax removal
  • that your ear wax is removed in a safe manner, not by potentially dangerous syringing
  • that where appropriate, you are referred to an ENT specialist or Audiologist

Note If it is simply routine wax removal you require, the Medicare Ear Toilet rebate will not apply.

What is wax accumulation?

Ear wax (cerumen) production is a normal everyday process. Ear wax is normal in healthy amounts and works as a self-cleaning agent with protective, lubricating, and antibacterial properties. Having some wax is important as its purpose is to trap dust and other small particles and prevent them from reaching and potentially damaging the eardrum. If you don’t have enough of it, it may result in dry and itchy ears.

The amount of wax produced differs from person to person. While some patients need their ears cleaned every few months, others might be yearly or never require cleaning.

Ear wax build up is one of the most common ear related issues and is due to the ears self-cleaning mechanism not functioning correctly or the ear is making too much wax or that the wax is too sticky to move itself.

A common cause of wax blockage is due to attempts at ‘home’ wax removal using cotton buds or other items which can push the wax deeper and cause blockages.

Request an appointment call: 07 5536 8556

Symptoms of too much wax

Do you have blocked ears? Hearing loss? Are you experiencing pain? Your ears could be impacted with wax.

Blocked ears can leave you feeling irritated and hard ear wax can easily result in pain, balance issues or changes to your hearing.

If you are still experiencing muffled hearing following your microsuction appointment, Malouf Medical can arrange a hearing test at our partner clinic, Sunshine Hearing. Should you require further attention, we can also organise a referral to our ENT Specialist, Dr John Malouf.

Request an appointment call: 07 5536 8556

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Safely removing ear wax

At  Malouf Medical, our doctors employ an operating microscope and state of the art micro-suction ear wax removal techniques to ensure safe, gentle and effective treatment of wax build up.

Our doctors do not recommend syringing, as it can be uncomfortable, messy and even cause damage to the eardrum. In particular, syringing should be avoided in patients who have had ear surgery. Micro-suction by a suitably trained doctor, under the supervision of an ENT surgeon, is the recommended method to clean ears and remove ear wax.

Ear candling techniques are not an effective treatment and are definitely not recommended. Despite popular belief, the residue thought to be ear wax after the candling process is usually nothing more than paraffin or beeswax from the candle itself.

Preventing too much ear wax

The easiest way to prevent a build-up of wax is to avoid putting anything in your ears to clean them as this can push the wax deeper into the canal.

If you feel that you have an excessive ear wax issue, get in touch with Malouf Medical to discuss a treatment plan and method that is both safe and effective.