Ear Clinic FAQ
Why is Ear Wax important?
Ear Wax is normal in healthy amounts and works as a self-cleaning agent with protective, lubricating, and antibacterial properties. If you don’t have enough of it, it may result in dry and itchy ears.
Should I use cotton buds to clean my ears?
No, cotton buds can actually push the wax further into the ear canal, compacting it and risking your chances of rupturing your eardrum.
Why are my ears itchy?
The most common causes of itchy ears are wax build up, fungal infection, allergy, dermatitis or wet ears. A consultation with the Coolangatta Ear Clinic will ensure that the right treatment is prescribed.
What should I do to keep my ears healthy during the summer months?
To avoid getting surfers or swimmers ear, plug your ears to protect them from water and wind. You can also use Aqua Ear to dry the ear canal after swimming.
What is considered a normal amount of wax?
This differs dramatically from person to person. Some patients need their ears cleaned every few months whilst others annually and some patients never require additional cleaning.
What does normal Ear Wax look like?
Wax can be lumpy, dry, flakey, soft or even sticky like honey. It also varies depending on race.
Should I use ear candles?
The short answer is no. Ear candles can not only lead to burns, but they may also block the ear passage and perforate the eardrum. Research also shows that it is ineffective in removing wax build up.
How often should I have a hearing test?
Anyone who is regularly exposed to loud noise should have an annual hearing test. You are encouraged to have a hearing test immediately if you notice a change in your hearing.
I have pain in my ears, what could this mean?
Pain can be caused by a number of issues that include wax accumulation, ear canal infection, eardrum infection or fluid in the middle ear. Pain in the ear is not normal and you should consult a doctor.